School Makerspaces Matter
DevCatalyst Katie Weatherford DevCatalyst Katie Weatherford

School Makerspaces Matter

Liberty Tech students were peacefully assembled together, awaiting their latest creation around a laser engraver in the school’s makerspace. Written on a sheet of paper next to the laser were the dimensions for a pegboard with a purpose.

“We're working on pegboards for therapists to help kids with disabilities ,” Liberty manufacturing science student Austin Vande Zande explained, “[to] strengthen their hands and have them be more hands-on. ”

These teens were using their resources for good. 

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DevCatalyst, theCO Katie Weatherford DevCatalyst, theCO Katie Weatherford

Happy Socktober

Socktober, an invention of word play and a West Tennessee man’s good heart is ready for a sixth season. Brad Montague is the creator Kid President and the guy who put the sock in Socktober.

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